Friday, September 30, 2011

Theresa May loses her diary: It reveals police meetings and, er, a booking to open a furniture shop

Home Secretary Theresa May was left red-faced after her personal engagements diary was left at a concert hall.

The document contained a print-out of her weekly engagements and included mobile phone numbers, details of meetings with top police officers, and even records of her gym visits.

Scotland Yard was yesterday investigating the blunder, although Home Office officials insisted that the incident was an embarrassment rather than security breach.

The five-page A4 document is circulated every week to officials and detectives.

Loss: Home Secretary Theresa May and Scotland's First Minister Alex, centre, at the police memorial event in Glasgow where her diary was lost
Loss: Home Secretary Theresa May and Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond, centre, at the police memorial event in Glasgow where her diary was lost

It was reportedly mislaid by a member of Mrs May’s protection team at Glasgow’s Concert Halls on Sunday, where the Home Secretary had attended a National Police Memorial Day to honour fallen officers.

According to the diary, she was set to meet Keith Bristow, chief constable of Warwickshire, to discuss the role of head of the National Crime Agency.


Other events included the opening of a furniture repair shop called Chissock Woodcraft, near Reading, and a charity cabaret evening at Wentworth Golf Club. 

Keith Vaz, Labour chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said: ‘It’s serious that someone with the security importance of the Home Secretary should have her security compromised in this way. It is very disappointing that this has happened.’

Embarrassment: The lost diary belonged to Mrs May, tasked with the nation's domestic security
Embarrassment: The lost diary belonged to Mrs May, tasked with the nation's domestic security

Shadow home affairs minister Vernon Coaker added: ‘We’ve been warning for some time that you can’t trust Theresa May with public safety and security. 

‘This just confirms our worries. She needs to get a grip – not just on her diary, but also her brief.’

The diary – which had the words ‘News of the World’ scribbled in black pen on its front page – was passed to Police Review magazine, which returned it to the Home Office. 

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: ‘We are aware that a document was misplaced and are looking into the circumstances of how this occurred. Security was not compromised.

'Following an investigation, and as part of the MPS misconduct process, an officer has been subject to local management action. The officer has not been suspended.'
Britain’s biggest data security breach occurred in 2007, when two discs containing all 25million child benefit records were lost in the Government’s internal postal system.

The diary also revealed a lunch in Glasgow with Police Minister Nick Herbert last Sunday after talks with Strathclyde Police about gang warfare.

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