Monday, May 30, 2011

Dozens of pages disappear from intelligence file on Tommy Douglas

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Cost of Eavesdropping

In the world of spy agencies, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is the largest, most secret, most technologically advanced intelligence agency in the world. The NSA works in congruent with Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE), Great Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Australia’s Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) and New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB). Together these agencies spend trillions of dollars on the latest and most advanced eavesdropping technology, as well as employ tens of thousands of analysts, mathematicians, linguists, code-makers and code-breakers. Their mission, is the monitoring of foreign and domestic communications, whether it’s telephone conversations, emails, faxes, texts, instant messages, chat groups and even social networking sites like Facebook. These activities are conducted in the hopes that the plans of terrorists and foreign spies can be foiled before any harm can be done to the U.S. or its allies. The NSA headquarters located on the grounds of Fort Meade, Maryland, employs somewhere between 25 000 and over 35 000 personnel, and is believed to house the second most powerful supercomputer in the world.

What if the average citizen, like the NSA, had the ability to listen in on telephone conversations, intercept text messages, and listen to conversations in a room half way around the world? What if, instead of costing trillions of dollars for this technology it only cost a few hundred? Does this sound like Hollywood fiction?

Introducing Spy Phone Technology
A few short years ago, this technology was only known to mainly law enforcement and private sector investigators. However in the past year alone, the prevalence of this technology has exploded into the mainstream private sector due to internet entrepreneurs and computer programmers. These individuals have been capitalizing on the enormous monetary payout by selling a powerful tool that once created, costs nothing to reproduce.

So How Does It Work?
The software must first be installed on the target or victim’s phone. This can be done in one of two ways: once in his or her possession, the phone can be directed to a secure site where the software is downloaded and installed locally in under 15 minutes. The other option is to have the program installed remotely via text message. Once the unsuspecting victim opens what seems to be a harmless text message, the software installs itself in stealth mode. In either case, once installed, the eavesdropper can actively monitor all incoming and outgoing calls, read all text messages, and listen in to any ambient conversations by remotely activating the microphone at any time. Some programs even offer the possibility of tracking and pinpointing the victim’s location via the phone’s GPS feature.

Who Uses This Software?
Almost anyone, from the suspicious spouse, business competitor conducting corporate espionage, jealous ex-boyfriend, or parents wanting to keep tabs on their unruly teenager, have purchased and used this product. The spy software also works on the most recent phones including Blackberry and iPhone.

How Do I Protect Myself?
There are basic steps you can take that will dramatically drop your chances of falling victim.

1. Never leave your phone unattended. It only takes a few minutes for someone to install the software on your phone.

2. Don’t allow others to make phone calls from your phone. If you do, make sure they never leave your sight. Remember, most often the person installing the spy software on your phone is not some shady character wearing a black trench coat, but can usually be someone very close to you.

3. If your phone has a feature to automatically password protect it during any inactivity, enable it!

4. With Christmas a few days away, be cautious of those bearing gifts of gold, frankincense & free cell phones. The phone could be pre-programmed with the spy software.

5. Keep current with your phone’s security updates and firmware.

Am I A Victim?
Terry Cutler of is, a Certified Ethical Hacker based in Montreal, Canada. He states that most people will not be able to verify if their phone has been infected. The only effective solution is prevention, and if you suspect that your phone may have been compromised, having the phone completely erased and reset may be your only recourse.

Where’s the Harm in Checking up on Your Daughter, Wife or Boyfriend?
In this day and age where trust and confidence are hard to come by, many debate the moral and ethical issues surrounding this product. Notions of “if my boyfriend isn’t doing anything wrong then he has nothing to worry about” may justify the use of these programs to alleviate insecurities. But the fact remains that eavesdropping on your spouses’ private telephone conversation should still be considered a serious invasion of privacy. Not to mention that if a cell phone virus can resolve people’s trust issues, Dr. Phil will soon be out of a job.

Isn’t It Illegal?
Aside from the moral and ethical issues there is the legal aspect. The full legal ramifications are not quite clear, since the popularity of this new spy software is fairly recent. Similar to much of the spy equipment products sold on the internet, it is not illegal for someone to buy or sell the software. The legal issue only comes into play in how the product is used; such as surreptitiously monitoring a person’s conversations without their consent.

I presume that before the popularity of this software reaches the point where one can easily procure a copy at their local Walmart, law enforcement agencies worldwide will begin to crack down on many of the developers of these programs, and attempt to limit the exposure and proliferation of such products. For now, keep an eye on your mobile, because you never know if Big (or Little) brother may be listening in.

Here are some related video in the News

Don't Believe Your Cell Phone Can Be Monitored?

Cell Phone Spying

Cell Phone Spy Sim Card Reader

About the Author

John Farinaccio has over 17 years experience in investigations and intelligence gathering. In 1999 he founded The Canadian Private Investigators' Resource Centre (C.P.I.R.C.), and currently serves as the director of the largest Investigators' Network in Canada. John has both managed and lead investigation & undercover surveillance teams, and has spearheaded the development of Advance Reconnaissance Teams for international Protection Details; many in hostile areas of operations.
Aside from being an instructor in Investigation, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism subjects, he is also a certified instructor in Monadnock PR-24 Police Baton, Monadnock Expandable Police Baton (MEB), Monadnock Defensive Tactics System (MDTS), Quick Stick Police Baton, amongst many others.
John has been called on by the media conducting interviews as an expert in the field of investigations.
7000 Chemin de la Cote-de-Liesse, Suite #8
Montreal, Quebec
H4T 1E7
Tel: 514-373-8411
Fax: 514-303-8841

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In memory of a friend, mentor and brother

In remembrance of a great pioneer and a lost brother in arms.

Today, May 11, marks the anniversary of the death of one of the greatest instructors in the field of tactical and police training in Canada, our brother in arms and mentor, Craig H. Best.

Those who were fortunate to know and be trained by him will remember his passion for our field, his kindness, his great ability, and his contagious laughter.

Craig was one of the greatest instructor trainers in North America.  He made a mark in
the history of the tactical police training in Quebec which permitted for many of us to grow in this area and to achieve instructor status in the best systems.

We thank him for everything that he accomplished and we offer him our gratitude and our love. Craig, we miss you dearly and will never forget you.

Jocelyn Moisan, Angelo Marino, Giovanni Farinaccio, Andrew Dugdale.


En souvenir d’un grand pionnier et d’un de nos frères d’armes disparus.

Aujourd’hui le 11 mai, marque l’anniversaire du décès de l’un des meilleurs instructeurs dans le domaine de la formation tactique et policière au Canada, notre frère d’armes et mentor, Craig H. Best.

Ceux qui ont eu la chance de le connaître et d’être entraîné par lui se souviendront de sa passion pour notre domaine, de sa bonté, de sa très grande compétence et bien sûr, de son rire contagieux!

Craig fût l’un des plus grands entraîneurs d’instructeur en Amérique du Nord. Il a marqué l’histoire de la formation tactique policière au Québec, ce qui a permit à beaucoup d’entre nous de grandir dans ce domaine et d’atteindre des statuts d’instructeur dans les meilleurs systèmes.

Nous tenons à le remercier pour tout ce qu’il a accompli et lui témoigner notre gratitude et notre amour. Craig, tu nous manques tellement et nous ne t’oublierons jamais.

Jocelyn Moisan, Angelo M. Marino, Giovanni Farinaccio et Andrew Dugdale

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) Breakdown

The Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) has 9 digits. Only the first digit has any significance. 

1       New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland
2-3   Quebec
4-5   Ontario
6      Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and Nunavut
7      British Columbia and the Yukon

Monday, May 2, 2011